Sunday, March 25, 2012

Changing all existing tables collations in one step

I can change table collation first table column by column
then second table and so on (Alter table table_name
alter column column_name COLLATE < collation_name> ).
How can I change all existing tables collations in one step ?
Where can I find some program in Transact-SQL or some procedure to solve
this problem ?Am Tue, 11 Apr 2006 20:31:01 -0700 schrieb Alur:

> I can change table collation first table column by column
> then second table and so on (Alter table table_name
> alter column column_name COLLATE < collation_name> ).
> How can I change all existing tables collations in one step ?
> Where can I find some program in Transact-SQL or some procedure to solve
> this problem ?
You can change the collation only column by column, not in one step.
So you can read the info you need:
select as TableName, as ColName, sc.collation from
syscolumns sc left join sysobjects so on =
where IsNull(,'') > '' and so.xtype = 'U'
and sc.collation is not NULL
create a cursor, loop through this query and do the ALTER TABLE where the
collation is not like you need.
bye, Helmut|||Thank you.
"helmut woess" wrote:

> Am Tue, 11 Apr 2006 20:31:01 -0700 schrieb Alur:
> You can change the collation only column by column, not in one step.
> So you can read the info you need:
> --
> select as TableName, as ColName, sc.collation from
> syscolumns sc left join sysobjects so on =
> where IsNull(,'') > '' and so.xtype = 'U'
> and sc.collation is not NULL
> --
> create a cursor, loop through this query and do the ALTER TABLE where the
> collation is not like you need.
> bye, Helmut

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