Sunday, March 25, 2012

Changing chart type at run-time


I'm coding a web application using ASP.NET 2.0 and I'd like to show users some charts allowing them to chose the chart type at run-time.
I'm building a rdlc (local) report source at run-time starting from a template and working in memory.
Users can select wich rows and columns from a table to display in the chart. They can also chose che chart type (Bar, line, pie etc.)

Now the code works fine the first time it's run. Then the report viewer keeps showing the chart with the same chart type and columns data. Only rows change accordingly to the user selection.

I'm using the following code to initialize the reportviewer:

Dim str As System.IO.MemoryStream = New MemoryStream
rptDoc.Save(str) //->that's the xml doc being saved to a memory stream
str.Position = 0
repView.LocalReport.ReportPath = String.Empty 'Just in case...
repView.LocalReport.DataSources.Clear() 'Just in case again...
repView.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(New ReportDataSource("DataSet1_01E01000", dt2))

Any suggestion?

Thank you all.Can you share with me how you change the Chart Type at Runtime? Thanks!|||

Sorry for the late reply, I haven't checked forums lately.

As I said I'm building the rdlc (local) report source file at run-time starting from some templates.

The rdlc files are nothing more that XML files and the chart type is defined inside a node. All I do is put the desired type in the right node.

You can also build a rdlc right from scratch and pass it to the ReportViewer component via its LoadReportDefinition method using the overloaded version that gets a IO.Stream as source.

Ask me if you need a sample.



You need to reset the report by doing a

ReportViewer1.Reset();//Then setting the datasource and all the properties.

Hello Stojilcoviz,

Can you share with me the sample of your code which changes the chart types at run-time in the RDLC? Thanks.

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