I've a simple package which basically copies a few record from a Source connection to a Destination connection.
This package must run ten times, every time with a different Source and Destination.
I dont want to duplicate the tasks inside the package and set the right connections at design time. I'm looking for a way to parametrize the connections.
In DTS2000 I could use an "Activex Script" to access the Package's Connections and change them at design time. The new "Script Task" does not allow access to others task, so it can't be done anymore. (There's is still the "Activex Script" task on my toolbox, but i get errors trying to place it on the design surface).
Package Configurations also does not seems the right way: to use multiple configurations I should invoke the package from the command line multiple times with different command line parameters, while I wuold like to have everything in one place (ie 1 package file instead of 1 batch file, 1 package file and 10 package configurations files).
CorradoYou are no longer allowed to access task and package properties at runtime and change things. Part of the rational is that it makes for potentially unstable and unpredicatble packages. So you know have a structured way of doing this through configurations and expressions.
Expressions can be set on connection, task and some component properties. Most UI's expose connections, or they are also available in the VS properties grid.
For example you could use an Exec SQL Task to get a recordset of connection information. You could then use the For Each Loop container to crack this, and for each iteration assign the value(s) to a variable. You can then use the variable(s) within an expression on the connection property(s).
Think expressions instead of ActiveX Script Tasks for glue code.
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