Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Change the contraint on a published table

Is it possible to remove/change a constraint on a table that has been
published, without reinitilising the subscriber?
Merge Replication
Subscribers initiate a pull subscription
Kind Regards
Warren Patterson
try using sp_addscriptexec.
Paul Ibison
|||Hi Paul,
Thanks for your reply.
Unfortunately sp_addscriptexec is buggy and does not work via FTP. It would
solve my problem if it worked in my scenario, but unfortunately, the guys at
Microsoft told me that the reason sp_addscriptexec does not work via FTP is
due to the fact it tries to resolve the FTP address as a UNC path or
something like that.
Do a search in this news group for "Failed to apply script using 'osql'
utility (sp_addscriptexec)" I created a whole thread dedicated to this
Any other ideas?
Kind Regards
Warren Patterson
"Paul Ibison" <Paul.Ibison@.Pygmalion.Com> wrote in message
> Warren,
> try using sp_addscriptexec.
> HTH,
> Paul Ibison
thanks for the info - found your thread on
If sp_addscriptexec doesn't work for your case, the only way I can see of
solving this issue is manually - linked servers, EM, QA etc
Paul Ibison
|||Thanks Paul,
I was afraid that that was the only way.
Well, guess I need to make the 5000km+ round trip :-)
Kind Regards
Warren Patterson
"Paul Ibison" <Paul.Ibison@.Pygmalion.Com> wrote in message
> Warren,
> thanks for the info - found your thread on
> If sp_addscriptexec doesn't work for your case, the only way I can see of
> solving this issue is manually - linked servers, EM, QA etc
> Regards,
> Paul Ibison

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